Tony Robbins Comeback Challenge

It's been a very long time since I've written in a blog. Figure it should be about the right time for me to write my thoughts out seeing as I've just turned 30 years old and a lot of things has happened since then. Would be great for me to catch up, have 30 minutes to myself and putting my thoughts into paper.

Throughout the years, I've been wanting to go to Tony Robbins event for ages. However, it always cost to much (approx USD$1000 - USD$3000++). I've been super lucky though, since Last week I've received an email from Tony Robbins stating that he will launch a 7 day free event for you to sign up and join him in this Comeback Challenge, a special event during this Covid-19 Pandemic situation.

I couldn't stay awake for most of the time but luckily with the new technology now days, we can record the live session for me to watch later. It was really fun since I could watch it together with Steven, my husband for almost 3 years now.

As part of the challenge, I'm suppose to complete their homework. So below is my answer.

What does Ideal Life looks like to you

-Achieve the ideal body shape and weight
-Free of Debt
-Able to shop freely
-Have my own makeup line/company
-Excelling at work
-Mercedes Car
-Able to shop till I drop
-CEO of a company
-Achieving "youngest in something"
-Own my own house
-Financially free
-Able to wear any clothes and looks good in them

Q1. What story have you been telling yourself that has stopped you from fully pursuing your ideal life.

- I'm not ready 
- Not able to achieve the body type
- Failure as a wife
- Procrastinate
- Fear of Failure

Q2. When you imagine a life of passion and purpose, what does that look like? How will you feel and what will you do?

-I imagine abundance of wealth and success, able to help my family and purchase whatever I want for my self and for my family, being in a happy and successful marriage, achieving my live long dream to own a cosmetic empire, CEO of a company,happy, lucky , achieving all of the ideal life that I've written above.
-I would feel like I am successful, I have completed my life long mission and what I was born and meant to be/do. Happy, fulfilled and awesome
-I will have to be brave and start aiming to achieve my ideal life, starting with trying to achieve to open up my own beauty/cosmetic empire together with my best friend, Yu Shan.

Alright I have completed the home-work. Now time for me to re-watch the live event so that i can be ready for tonight's event.


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