
Showing posts from August, 2012

Bitter sweet Happiness

IN the last couple of months, it has been a lot of ups and downs for me. I can't help but feeling everything really happens for a reason. my relationship with god grew stronger. He continuously builds me up and keeping me centered and helping me to see what is the right way  and how he has build a path for me to follow. Thank you lord for giving me that opportunity to shine and for me to go through all these hard obstacle and making me stronger in the last coule of weeks. I can't help but feeling there is a reason for everything Dear lord, I was wonderign why you ever put him in my path. He's always been there, he has all this great and awesome qualities in a man and i've learned so much with him. Then god, why did you make us become more than friends? I really had a great time and i really enjoyed myself for the first 2 weeks of our relationship. Somehow everything else starts to turn to hell after the first initial 2 weeks. It was really hard for  both  him and I t

List of things to learn/ become

1) Getting better at starcraft 2 game (having the ability to understand the game and executing all the game plays that i've desired, Be able to get into platinum league at least) 2) Getting FIRST CLASS HONOURS (change mindset, be strong, do more work and get it)   Got Second class hon div 1 81 wam. (that's not too bad) 3) Learn a musical instrument well. Either guitar or somethign else like drum or piano. 4) Learn basketball (to understand the game and be able to think strategicly and fix fine motor skillls) 5) Have a stronger character/ mindset so that people can't break me and so that I can think on my feet when i'm being pressured 6) Get a great an awesome first job that I love, in a foreign country 7) Travel as much as i can an visit new places every year 8) Become smarter and expose myself to new discovery and new knowlege 9) Know how to survive in the wild. (READ SAS) understand all the knots and thigns to do like readinga  compass, find food, how

Lost Weight

So couple months ago i've declared that I was going to lose weight and wanted to achieve 55 kg. Now after 6 months, my weight fluctuate between 56-57kg. I still have about 1 week to left before my brother's wedding so I will achieve it, and strive to lose that remaining 1-2 kg left. Its amazing how things tend to work out when you put your mind into it. ALthough I really want a hot body likehtose korean girls with sexy long legs and curvy body. Like the girls from "Waveya", the pro dance cover girls. Especially in their video gangna style. I'm proud of myself to be bale to lose such a lot of weight within 6 months. My initial weight was 76kg when i first started and i weight atmy heaviest at 85kg back in 2009. Now for the rest of the year, I will maintain and I will achieve 50 kg soon enough. and perhaps after that 45 kg. I can't wait to go back home for abang's wedding and feeling good about myself. I just followed the no carb diet, and exercise everyday