God give me strength

Dear God,

This year has been such a learning curve for me. There were multiple of struggles that i had to go through throughout all of the time that I've been staying here. Now the biggest struggle is to actually be an adult and be on my own for a while. There's my thesis that is due tomorrow and man how i'm strugling so much to actually try and complete the work. I've been procrastinating a lot. I guess I'm really done with uni life and I just don't want to work anymore and do anymore assignments. I guess I just want to relax chill and just let lose and just move on with my life. There's that struggle with my mom, who apposes the idea of me staying with steven in the same household. Man was i upset. She was very upset at the idea as well. What am I suppose to do with that God. You would know best on what I need to do. Then there's that strugle with actually being with steven. Some days god its really tough to be with him. All I am is just a ball of sadness and insecurity around him. But I seek his love so much that I'm almost willing to do anything for him. As I should be with you as well.

Dear God,

I'm so thankful for all the things that you've given me, multiple extension for my thesis, and steven passing his exam and my struggle slowly widdling down away. Everything you've given to me and all the strugle you've given me has been such a great leaerning experience. I trully appreaciate it because when I need you the most, you've given me multiple strength and guidance just to make me go through my day to day life. I thank you lord for always protecting me from everything. Lord I thank you for my looks, for me losing weight and for my new haircut and hair colour today. I look great because you've allowed me to look great I thank you lord for that opportunity.

Dear God,

I need to pray to you now. I need your guidance and your strength lord. You are almighty and all knowing. I know you've got it all plan for me. I know you've laid my life out for me. I know you've been supporting me and I've given everythign to you. Dear lord, I've already made a commitment that I would let things go the way you plan and I will let you decide my path. Lord I just would like to pray to you to give me the strength to go through with my thesis writting and perhaps obtain a second class honour if you permit me to have. Lord give me the will power and the wisdom and the ability to write flawlessly and diligently and as accurate as I can for me to submit the best thesis that I could possible do. Lord just please help me go through this and be by my side and support me throughout my mission in completing this thesis. Lord I would like to pray to you so that my relationship with my mother will go strong and I just hope to god that she doesn't disown me and I pray that you could soften her heart so that she knows I am fine and I'll be fine. Lord please don't let her do anythign rash. I just pray that she will be calm and still love me and not be disssapointed in me dear lord. I am worried about her well beign and above all i feel bad for putting her throguh this. Dear lord I would like to pray to you with my relationship with steven, I hope that everythign will go smooth from now on and that I can be a great partner to him if you allow me to be with him that is. I leave my realtionship with steven in your hand as I leave you my relationship with my mom and to other human beings in this planet. I pray to you and I'll leave my thesis writting in your hands as well. Dear lord I would just like to pray to you for motivation, perseverance and for guidance and support from you in order for me to complete my thesis. and for me to begin my new journey. my new life with you lord right beside me. Please dear god. help me through this struggle and help me get over this struggle as much as I can thank you.I pray all of this in your son's name jesus christ!.


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