God give me guidance

Dear God,

After that night session with mark and james, it made me feel good. I enjoyed every last few moments or minutes that I've had with you that night. THough I have to be honest it is a lot of work whe it comes down to the moments where I have to actually always remind myself to believe in you. I guess Im still afraid of soo many things. Although I've said that I'll leave everything in your hand. I guess I te the feeling of uncertainty. but then again everyone hates uncertainty.

God i have to be honest. I feel like there is no one else who can help me with this stuff except for you. You're like the only person whom i can turn too for everything. You know wht god, I'm beggining to think that you don't want me to be in sydney anymore. before that you lead me to sydney, with everyhting going in so smoothly. EVen when it comes to doing honours year. then suddenly when it comes to finding a job and living in sydney. I feel like you strongly don't want me to go back and live there. With everyday like an extreme emotional and extreme roller coaster ride. God why did you make me meet steven in the first place if all you had to do was just not introduce him to me at all. its making me s hard to breather. with him saying that I need to pay the rent and the housing and everything. Dear god what do you have plans for me. I can't do anything. god what is your plan do you want me to keep on studying or do you want me to do pHD. or do you want me to do work or somethign. wht is it that you want me to do. i believe that everything happes for a reason and with all of this current condition. I can't help but feeling sad and lost. I've been here  before and i trully feel like everythign that you've done for me has been  for a reason. WHat can i do god.

God can you please ease my feeling of being worried god. Can you help me find a way. god do you think you can help me find a way to pay off my rent till aatleast june god. until when our contract ends. is that ok god. and god can you please ease my mom's emotion. so that she won't find it hard to pay off for hte next remaining two months of my rental fee. i need to stay up until june when i can leave and find my own way. god i need your presence. i feel so constrait. you have no idea. i feel so lost. i feel so ugly. i feel so underapreacitive of everythig around me god. please pleas hlep me out. god. can you ppleas let my mom be at peace with my decision and please let her feel that its ok  for her to pay for the next two months or so. god why do you do all of this. i don't understand you really make it hard for me to live in australis. and my point is why are you making it sooo hard for me to do this. doyou not want me to ive in australia? and god why did you meet me up with stven . he is the reason why i'm so dark and mellow these days. also the reason why i've been so upset for the last couple of months. being with him has been horrible to me. with everythign that has been going on. with his bad temper and everything. god i do hope that you will help protect me and help me to find a way to stay u till my contract ends and stay until i ca get some answers. coz god i don't know hwere my path is suppose to be. i need a jobthat pays well. i want to study aswell. so i dont know which path is the right way. i've come back and all i see is that my brain and my mind is filled up with negativity.  i don't want to be tied down to anyone but you god. what is the way for me god. pleaseshow me the way. is it studying is it fashion is it arts is it designing is it scence is it cancer what is it? is it in malaysia. what is it? i'm sooooooo lost god. i'm really lost i don't know what to do. god please please please i'm praying to you please let my mom understand the situation that i'm in and please please please let my mom allow me to stay for a while longer in aussie upuntil my graduation atleast. i honestly don't know what i''m suppose to do now god. I need your help i need your guidance. i reaaly realy need you. can you please help me. and help me stay in aussie. atleast till my graduation. I'm so stress that i can't think what wouldbe the best idea or best solution for me to come up with. God you're area llmighty and powerful. i'll leave everythign in yourhands.but can you please please show me the way. gude me. help me. from the raging wrtah of steven and protect me so that my mom will let me stay for awhile. for atleast till after my graduation. help me find a way god. can you please grant me the  power for me to go through all of this.can you please help me grant the feeling of hope. can you take away of all my insecurities. and sadness. can you show e the way or the right path to something or somewhere that is bigger then me.

god i pray to you please let me hear your voice. please let me hear your oice. please le tme hear you guiding me. please let me behappy in your path that you've set it up for me. please deare god. i need you to show me the way. please dear god. let me be the beacon for humainity. please god help me find a way a better way to ive dear god. please help me find away to be happy. please  help me fidn a way to live  goodand well and happy. pleasehelp me calm down dear gd. erase all of this restlessneess from my heart. god...  god guide me show me the way. can you please soften my mothers heart god so that she'll uderstand and she'll let me atleast stay till june with everyhting paid off.. god i leave the rest in your hands... i'll leave  everything up tp you. my pthway and verything. but i just pray to you sot hat my mom will understand. and i ust pray to you so that there is a way and there isa future for me and that i can find my way somewhere somehow. please let me hear you god.please show me he way god. please be kind and gently to me god. please show me theway or the path to thr right way god. please allow me ot be free. please allow me to do good. please get rid of all this negatve feelings i have in my heart please take ahwy my eveil spirit. please take away all this looking down on people feeling that i have lyign around. please get rid of all of these judgmentalness that i have in my heart and just take it away. i wannt to have a pure heart and i wat to be successful. and i want ot be rich with power enough power to make a diference and enough money so that i can keep giving it away to someone else who needs it more tha i do. please help me god just please help me get rid ofall of ths evil spirit and evil thoughts and evil feelings that i have in my heart god.... just help me calm down god please help me calm down. and pelase show me the way god. just show me the way coz i'm so down and i'm sooo worried about all of this god i don't know why i worry about money soo much. please help me god please. help me so that i wont't anger my moma nd i wont anger steven aswell pelase dear god help me find a way. please help me find away out of all of this mess. please give me guidance.
please ge rid of all of hthtis negative feeling
please train my braing
please make me become  atougher person in my heart
please calm me down. please helpme gain my patience back. please gude me dear god. i need your help show e the way . coz i dont know whatis the right way. i love you god. you are my strengh and i feel sad and i fell thtat i dont deserve your help bsimply because i have nothing tless as compared to people but i also feel that i cna help thosewho needs elpso please dear god. help me out. and hep me fgurea a way so taht i cn help people whenthe time comes please god. please i pray to you. show e the way god show m the way.....


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