Quotes and advices from books


The easiest, cheapest, fastest way to look younger is to stand up straight. You can take ten years off  your shoulders down and your stomach in. Make this a habit when you walk down the street and no matter how old you are, it will take years off "

To get gorgeous cuticles you rub a  drop of olive oil into each cuticle"

To prevent wrinkles around the eyes you smear a good layer of Vaseline round your eyes at night


Before leaving the shower, spray your cellulite area with really cold water for as long as you can bear

With a dry body brush, brush your body with upward strokes toward your heart, then exfoliate in the shower and moisturize when you get out

Always use a body moisturizer after your bath or shower. When you rub the cream/lotion/oil, rub vigourously. Make a fist and rub with your knuckles. Do it for about a minute on each area. Drinks loads of water! Run up stairs, and walk rather than going by car.

The best way to prevent stretch marks is to massage in extra virgin oil.

Wrap your feet in plastic wrap and put on a pair of old socks. Wear it for couple of hours


Put your salad dressing in a little spray bottle so you use just a couple of spritzes.

To rippen avocados, put them in a paper bag with ripe apples. The apples give off a gas that causes avocados to ripen quickly. When just right, keep them in the bottom of the fridge for two or three days if not eating at once

Just wetting the knife or the onions will prevent you from crying while cutting

Put a plastic wrap directly on the surface of the sauce and take it off just before serving then the skin forming on the sauce or gravy will be stopped.


When you move back in with parents after being independent, do your own laundry, cook for them regularly.Bring cheap, cheery flowers home from your shopping trips and try not to slide back into the old ways of doing things.You don't want to be treated like a child , so you must not behave like one. if they get a bit irritating at times, talk to them as though they were someone else's parents - it will help you stay firm and respectful and keep  that teenage tone out of your voice.


When you do the Hula, shake and bend your knees a little; you will see the difference. This is a great love handle squisher

How to motivate yourself to exercise, think of exercise like brushing your teeth - something that you need to do or it would be gross

How to be motivated to go for a run in the early morning. After you're fairly awake, allow yourself a choice. You can either go for the run, or you can stay at home and go back to sleep. The only catch is you have to stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eye, and say "I am giving up on my fitness goal for today because I am lazy," or something similar. A big trigger for me is to do  the same thing, but in just my sports bra and shorts. That's a big reminder of what I'm trying to do.

How to improve your breathing when swimming freestyle. First, try to slow down your stroke. A common a drill that swim teams use is to hold both arms in front, streamline position, kicking, then stroke with the other - very slowly. As you do this, pay attention to when your elbow comes out of the water on the stroke arm; when the elbow is at it's highest, turn your head and start to breathe. As your hand comes forward and your fingers start to dive into the stroke, turn your head back into the pool. Also be sure to exhale underwater so that you need less time to inhale out of the water.

Keep a food diary of what you eat you'll be amazed at how much you actually eat. Use the stop eating before you're full  method and try not to snack too often. Always choose healthy food over junk and your body will respond naturally. Its great being slim, and anyone who says otherwise is a great big fibber

To speed up your metabolism exercising and taking cold showers will speed up your metabolism


Buy gifts from Sony eBook or amazon kindle 2, ironic t-shirt, thinkgeek.com, theonion.com


How to get gum out of your hair is to drench it in olive oil. I promise, it works every time. Work it into the hair and gum and you can slide the gum out.

To get strong hair massage either coconut or almond oil into my scalp and told me to keep it on all day or overnight. The trick is to wear a shower cap and place a towel over your pillow at night. When you're done, shampoo twice and condition very lightly.

To get more volume to your hair you should backcomb. Just lift your hair up and backcomb bits underneath to give more volume and the impresion of thicker hair. Spray some hair spray on when he finished and voila, thick hair


"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan." said Eleanor Roosevelt. Start making plans for something you've only dreamed about so far.

Before bed, consider what you've done that you're proud of today and what you will do to be proud tomorrow.

Work as if the money doesn't matter. Love as if you have never been broken-hearted. And dance as if no one is watching.

Don't take yourself too seriously

A life coach gave me this tip: When I wake up, I think to myself that today will be great day, and I am going to stay happy all day and just have fun. 

Think of yourself in the future, lying on your deathbed. You look back on your life and think:

1. Have I made the most of my life on this earth?

2. Did I do everything I could to make sure I was happy? Big things and little things?

3. Did I make other people happy?

Then snap back into present and be so very grateful that you are not on your deathbed yet, and realize that we really do get only one life, which is very precious, so don't waste it being unhappy - make every day count and start by deciding now,a t this very minute that you are going to be happy regardless of what life throws at you. Start living now

Be impeccable with your word, meaning tell the truth and don't gossip

Don't take anything personally. Everything anyone says, even if they say it about you, is about them not about you.

Don't make assumptions 

Always do your best

Make a real effort in planning and doing those things that will make you feel better about yourself and happier, such as a charitable act, doing something nice for a friend, a fun outing challenging yourself with a new hobby etc. So many people make plans for the other aspects of their lives but think that happy  moments should just occur by happenstance. There's no reason why you can't do something concrete and actually form plans to make your life generally more happy.


How to stop a mosquito bite from itching. Rub a wet bar of soap all over the bite area and leave  it to dry - it'll stop  the itching!

How to  heal postbirth  stitches fast. Wheat germ oil is even better than vitamin E oil for healing scars. You can find capsules at health stores; just break them open and apply the oil two or three times a day It smells a little funny, but is well worth it.

Eating a banana during the hour before bedtime has completely cured insomniac


To clean windows microfiber cloths straight out of the washing machine! You simply wipe over your windows ( in seconds) and fling back in the washer - no streak either. 

How to get underarm stains out of clothes is by using a baking soda. The night before you are going to wash those particular shirts, mix equal parts of baking soda and water. Dip the stained part of the shirt in the mixture and then stick it in a bag until you're ready to wash it. The stains will come out and the shirt will smell very fresh.


To developed a better handwriting is keeping all of the letters the same size, so that the tops of the a, e, o, u, n etc are all in a straight line.

In order to teach yourself to act responsibly and think before acting, start by deliberating waiting at least one full breath every time you have to answer a question/ make a move/make a choice. That one breath may seem like a long time pause and consider what you are doing, but it saves lots lots of time later in regret. Basicly, keep breathing to keep yourself calm and thoughtful.

How to stop worrying about everything and just enjoy life. A good way to put things into perspective is to ask yourself, How much will this matter six months from now.

How to be less argumentative is that whenever you feel angry or as though you're about to start an argument, do a slow count from ten backwards in your head, then take a deep breath and just talk calmly or walk away.

Look outside youself. Find ways to contribute to others through charities, church, your children's school, etc. By helping others or contributing to projects, you will forget about whether you are adequate or not and have concrete evidence of your value.

To get people to notice you and like you more is to relax, and stop being self-conscious. Read some interesting books so you have intriguing things to say. I always get an audience when I talk about how fascinating I find slime mold to be..


To stop yourself from frittering away all your money on nothing. For one month starting on payday, keep a diary of everything you buy - from the weekly household shopping to a chocolate bar! At the end of the month, look back, and you will feel guilty/shocked about how much money you've pretty much thrown away. For the next month, when you want to spend money on useless stuff, move that money from your checking account to a savings account - your savings will build up in no time, and the cash isn't in a checking account tempting you to spend.

If you always do your grocery shopping on the same day every week, try shopping one day later each week ( with the same list), and over seven weeks you'll have saved one week's worth of your shopping


How to get your child to sleep past 6.am no matter what time he goes to bed. Get a cute alarm clock and seit it together every night, so your child knows what time is getting-up time. If s/he wakes up before it goes off, s/he knows it's not getting-up time yet, and can look at a book or play with a toy until it goes off.

How to get a child to eat is to always set a mealtimes at the dinner table. I serve one meal and the kids either eat it or starve until the next meal. If the child is hungry  he will eat; if not, that's fine. No shouting no big scene.


 How to get rid of cat smells in the house. If you've got a cat that has peed or sprayed somewhere, clean the area with warm water mixed with some washing powder/ liquid. When the area has dried, sprinkle with a little vinegar to discourage the cat from using the area again. Always have one litter box per cat plus a spare. Cats are very fussy about sharing their toilet arrangements.


Takign care of yourself physically is important to aging happily; exercise, get regular checkups, (don't forget the dentist), and practice moderation in dieting and sun exposure. But the most important thing is not to neglect your spiritual side. Prayer, mediation, and acts of kindness to others to help you enjoy life and the wisdom of your years. Make sure you stay on top of your finances.

Volunteer for a cause you feel strongly about. This will increase your chances of finding someone with values similar to yours.


How to always look put together. Take a few minutes on Sunday evening with your calendar and decide what your week will be - X amount of work outfits, Y amount of social outfits. Make up the combinations you like on separate hangers, together with underwear and accessories. This helps you use all of your wardrobe, in different and sometimes un-thought-of combinations. Notice what you don't wear and get creative with what you have. Saves money, too

How to make yourself more noticeable is by wearing red.

To take a picture of the clothes that you get complimented on an outfit you particularly like

Fill a pocket in each handbags with emergency supplies - safety pins, bandages, pain killer, lip balm, hair bands and etc.

Put talcum powder in the shoes to stop a shoe from squeaking and makes your feet smell nice too.


How to know if a website is secure it's always worry when  you enter credit card details online, but there are ways to minimize the risk. On pages where you enter financial details, the first characters of the URL should change from "http://" to "https://"(secure mode). A padlock icon should appear in the bottom of the browser window.

How to survive long flights with small children. Try go to novelty storea  aweek or so before the flight and buy small, inexpensive games or toys they occupy children only for a short while, and it doesn't matter if they get lost. Wrap them individually and mark them 1,2,3,4 etc one set for each child, Let them see them ad tell them that they won't open # 1 until they are at the boarding gate, #2 after the meal is cleared away. 

How to get upgraded on aflight on the way to the airport buy a box of chocolates. When checking in say, "Last time I was here one of your colleagues upgraded me. It's the best thing that has ever happened to me ad I promised to bring her a box of chocolates next time I was passing through. Unfortunately I can't remember her name, so could you put this in your rest area so you can all enjoy them?" Then do not ask for an upgrade just smile. My result was that the check-in lady was so shocked and thrilled she immediately upgraded me!

To stop travel sickness you put your middle and index fingers on your wrist ( as if you were taking your pulse) and apply pressure; this should ease the sick feeling

Get group discount tickets buy buying a lot of tickets together.


To get good price on your engagement ring is to do your research and comparing prices such as bluenile.com is a good place to start. Avoid the big jewelry chains and look for independents and boutiques, you are far likely to get a discount.

How to ensure perfect wedding photos i have been to a few weddings recently where one or two of those disposable cameras were on watch table at the reception. While the professional photos were being taken, many guests amused themselves by taking candid shots of each other, the minister having a little drink, the kids up to no good, etc. The cameras were gathered up at the end of the evening by a groomsman and developed.


How to stay constantly motivated in a challenging new job. Find a worthwhile gal (promotion, special project, bonus window office, maintaining employment for at least a year in this terrible economy, having all the VPs know your name within six months, whatever) figure out the realistic steps to get there and use that to motivate you. To the extent possible, add visuals aids to your office/cubicle/etc. 


How to ask good questions before renting an apartment

1. Financial: Rent, deposit (including repayment conditions, interest-bearing account), lease document, term (month to month, annual), insurance, included utilities (water, gas electric, TV)

2. Maintenance: Who fixes what? who takes out the garbage? On-site superintendent, off-site management company, or are you supposed to wake the landlord?

3. Move-in/DIY rules: Can you move furniture in only during certain hours? Certain days? using designated elevators? Can you paint the walls? Replace the ugly sink fixture?

4. Security: Who gets keys to your doors? Are there parking, neighborhood crime issues?

5. Quality of life: Are there rules regarding pets, washer/ dryer, children, older people, noise; is the elevator reliable? Do local restaurants deliver food? Is transit nearby?

Last, without the landlord around, ask the neighbors candidly what they like most/least

Books Quotes 

If your kids want to paint their bedrooms, let them do it.

Buy World Book for my kids

When you have no special skills you can always count on "leadership"

When you don't know anything, please admit it and don't leave till you understand.

Tenacity is a virtue, but it's not always crucial for everyone to observe how hard you work at.

When it comes to men who are romantically interested in you. Just forget what they say and  only pay attention to what they do.

Send out thin mints when you want them to do something to check your paper or something. write a note saying that that to eat the mint after they have reviewed your paper. Just remind them by saying "have you eaten your thin mints?"

Proper apologies have three parts:

1) What I did was wrong
2) I feel badly that I hurt you
3) How do I make them better

In getting men

Don't be desperate and be like "Pick me Pick me"

Bitch thinks like a strong woman "What's the advantage of having this guy around?, how do i feel about myself after I've been  in his company, what's in it for me

Bitch a strong spirited woman who can stand up for herself. The bitch is not rude or abrasive because she's smart enough to know that being considerate is more effective. But she won't compromise herself to be in a relationship. She won't work overtime to "catch a husband".

He doesn't marry a woman who is perfect. He marries the woman who is interesting

When a woman is trying to hard, a man will usually test to see how hard she's willing to work it for it. He'll start throwing relationship Frisbee, just to see how hard she'll run and how high she'll jump

Men see how you dress, and then make assumptions about your relationship potential

If you are wearing a very revealing clothes, He'll usually assume you don't have anything else going for you.

Self respect is a one-punch knockout to a guy. When you are confident enough to wield your power and you show that you aren't fearful of losing him, he becomes fearful of losing you.

The fastest way to become boring to a man is to always "do as you are told"

You can tell how much someone respects you by how much he respects your opinion. If he doesn't respect your opinion, he won't respect you.

When a woman has her own way of doing things, she becomes very intriguing

Men like to be curious. They like to feel that there's more to the story than what they already know

Make the men think "can i get and keep her attention?"

Don't rush too soon with a man

Don't be so blunt, obvious, or available that you come across as having already made up your mind about the guy

Keep yourself busy.

Always blocked out times and don't make yourself available.

Men like women who are girlie. They love lightly scented lotions and anything soft and feminine

After sex don't give in or act like all girlie or girls behaviour.

WHen you aren't mind-blown after sex, and you continue to focus on your own life, he'll automatically start looking at you differently. then he'll start wanting to secure a relationship with you.

Men are intrigued by  anything they do not completely control

When he is in a bad mood just let him cool down

If a man really cares, he feels vulnerable. That's when he needs a protective shield the most and htat's when he'll often behave more coolly.


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