
Showing posts from September, 2011

Extra Extra read all about gratitude!!

I was talking to my mother yesterday, and was talking to shaz the day before that, I've realised that I've come from a very long and hard journey in the last couple of years. I felt as if I'm soo blessed and I've never really thought about it until circumstances shows up in my face. Talking to shaz and talking to my mom I've realised my ability to have a different outlook and point of view and try to be in other people's shoes. I have you god to thank for because you set up path and circumstances for me to follow through and gave me the chance to meet all the people that matters and help me to become a better person. I'm thankful that You've given me Steven, Yu shan and all of the other people I've met in my life. They all mean so much to me. And all of them have thought me to become a better person. Thank you for filling my life with a bunch of friends and influential people that helps me find my direction in life. Thank you for giving me the gift

Inspired From "The Bucket List"

To my future self, I hope one day when you see this list, you'll manage to cross out most of the list. Always remember that in life, we need a little excitement. Because we're Gemini! My Bucket List  Skydiving Climb a mountain Be two place at the same time Go some place where I have a chance to stargaze Reach 55KG Scuba Diving Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge Be Famous Travel around the World See Aurora Wealthy Own a Porsche/Mercedez Work in another country Find awesome group of friends Find the Love of my Life Have beautiful Children Have beautiful family Be good in starcraft Play a musical Instrument Be on TV Study Overseas Undergraduate Graduate from UNSW Make a meaningful in life Tried out modelling  Was Rusk hair model Fly in a helicopter Go Backpacking Own an Ipad Own a business Tough personality Strip Club Driving a racing car Own a mansion Go kayaking or rapid canoeying Fishing Trapeze Sydney Trapeze School Go see the seven wonders

Future Child

I have a list of names that I would like to name my kids one day. But I can never remember them all. Perhaps I should write it down in my Blog. Naima Aurora Yurie Hime Evangeline Lily Lohki Maria Luciana Luciela Irukandji Meredith Linali or Rinali Ivan Ryu Lucas Nathan or Nathaniel, Hailey Khalessi Silas (Some sort of japanese name)

Gratitude/ Fortitude

Dear GOD, Thank you for answering my prayers through different forms. I'm grateful to have you in my life and I'm truly grateful to have the family that I have. Today I felt good because I was able to wake up and go to the gym and exercise my heart out and get rid of the obstacles in which that was in my head. Thank you for your kind gifts today. I'm truly blessed.. Currently my obstacle is with my studying. I hope when I wake up tomorrow, my mind will be clear and I would be able to answer any forms of questions on monday for my mid terms exam. Dear GOD, Please set up a circumstance that would allow me to study fully within the next two days and Help me to clear my mind from all anxiousness and worries that I have in my head. Hopefully I won't have any disturbance for the next whole week and I can be by myself doing my own work. GOD, please grant me the gift of wisdom, patients and understanding so that I can do well for my test on Monday. I'm goign to work h

A letter to GOD..

Dear GOD, Lately I haven't been feeling like myself.. I've lost my joy and happiness.. I wake up to my daily routines of always the same thing over and over again... and its worst coz I'm stuck in my own world in my head... I know its too much for me to ask when I pray and always ask for the same things. I don't know what would be the correct way for me to do this... GOD, you are almighty and all knowing... and you have the ability to see the forsesight, the ability to see the future... and the ability to change... I hope you can help me out of this. Its always about the mentality. My mentality and how I see things. I hope you can help me by getting rid of my anxiousness, and worries about things that does not matter much in Life.. God you know what would be the best for me, Currently i feel suffocated, and I want to get out of my situation and allow me to be the person that I am. However, I don't know how or what would be the best. Dear god, please let me have

Misery Loves company

HELP ME GET OUT OF MY MISERY... Life's not bad. all my problems seems petty... WHY do I CARE so MUCH? Sometimes I wish I'm a bitch... Life's just easier like that..

Forgotten Past that still lingers...

Why do I dream of you when it was all over like 3 years ago? I guess I just miss the person you were, the person you thought me to be, the person I am today.. Dayum my heart was so broken.. Don't think I can get over you that fast.. After all you were the best I've ever had in terms of memories, love and the relationship we had.. I miss you.. and I can't forget about you.. Coz you've been everything to me and more.. Wonder if I'll ever meet anyone like you in my life... Soft, sweet, poetic, talented, games, smart, wise, patient, righteous, caring, lovable, aggresive.. Though at the same time you also made me realised about the person that I am and how weak I am.. It makes me wonder sometimes whether you were only with me coz you had to be with me.. Not coz you actually did love me at any point. Pathethic.. I don't even know why I can't find anyone like you, I don't even know why i choose to be stuck in my own world in my own cycle... Its over and done wi


So long, FAREWELL , Its been a year since I've written my thoughts down on paper. It seems that I've changed a lot since  last year. Major ups and down going on.. A lot of things that I would like to forget.. A lot of fights a lot of predictabilities events. Some times I get sucked into the same old routine, the same old fights, the same mindset, the same weakness, same laziness.... But I don't know how to get out of it. The sad part is I want to change but its so hard.. Perhaps because its been ingrained in myself.. I don't understand sometimes how I can allow things/ people to step all over me, and hope to god that people will change. They will never and thus I always have to.. Perhaps I have to remember that there is nothing out there that I can't get myself out of. Its stupid because lately my anxiousness has doubled and when I get worried about things that have yet to come, its really hard for me to break out off. Its because I think too much... I think of al