Forgotten Past that still lingers...

Why do I dream of you when it was all over like 3 years ago? I guess I just miss the person you were, the person you thought me to be, the person I am today.. Dayum my heart was so broken.. Don't think I can get over you that fast.. After all you were the best I've ever had in terms of memories, love and the relationship we had.. I miss you.. and I can't forget about you.. Coz you've been everything to me and more.. Wonder if I'll ever meet anyone like you in my life... Soft, sweet, poetic, talented, games, smart, wise, patient, righteous, caring, lovable, aggresive.. Though at the same time you also made me realised about the person that I am and how weak I am.. It makes me wonder sometimes whether you were only with me coz you had to be with me.. Not coz you actually did love me at any point. Pathethic.. I don't even know why I can't find anyone like you, I don't even know why i choose to be stuck in my own world in my own cycle... Its over and done with.. Its time for me to get up and get going.. Can't linger and be stuck in the past.. I have to stop dreaming of you... How sad... You were the closest I have to a soulmate.. Wonder if I'll ever meet another one like you ever again..


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