Job Opportunity

Dear God,

Today I've decided to apply for part time job. Dear God, I pray to you so that I would get an opportunity to get a good part time job that suits my studies and would allow me to earn some decent pocket money, on top of having a great experience for me to build on my future career path. Right now I need your guidance and I need my luck to allow me to work in a place where I would get good pay, great distance from home and great experience for me to put on my resume. Please help me dear GOD. I want to try my best this year. I want to get a first class honours. I'm going to aim high so that even if I do fall I'll fall among the stars. Please open some doors and opportunities for me dear god. It is important to me...

Thank you for everything that you've done for me I really do appreciate it god.
I love you

From your faithful servant


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