Honours year
Dear god, In the last couple of days, I've been happier and I thank you for supporting me all this while. I thank you for giving me all the friends in my life... I appreacite it soo much. God you even opened up steven's hard and calmed him down thank you soo much for that god. I have to say this semester i've worked soo hard and I thank you for allowing me to plow through all of these obstacle and doing well in all of my exams.. dear God i want to pray to you to allow me to get accepted into honours. please allow me to go through honours program in UNSW. i would really appreaciate the opportunity that you would give to me.. Please allow me to get into honours. It is something that i want, and i believe it is also somethign that i can use in the future to help others. God you are all mighty and you are all knowing. You know the right path for me to take. so god please allow me to get into honours for next year. Thank you so much for allowing me to have the best grades i...